JUNE 2023
June 2023
Research forms a big part of my writing day and currently I’m studying some of the events of the academic year 1989/90. This is in preparation for the second novel in my new University series.
This novel is a follow up to UNIVERSITY TALES, set in 1988/89, and due to be published in hardback and launched at Waterstones Milton Keynes on 7th September. This one is based on my experience of working as a university lecturer during the late eighties and early nineties. There’s a new main character, Tom Frith, a 32 year old lecturer and we follow his life and loves throughout the year.
So currently I’m checking out the Poll Tax riots, the bringing down of the Berlin Wall and the invention of the World Wide Web. Meanwhile Game Boy was the most popular Christmas present.
The new project is certainly a change following the fifteen novels in the Teacher series and I do hope my readers enjoy this new venture.
I’ve had several requests for speaking engagements and most of these will coincide with the launch of UNIVERSITY TALES. I’ve added a few of these to the Events page
In the meantime, thanks to readers (and listeners) from all over the world who have purchased a copy of LAST DAY OF SCHOOL along with the audio version, the fifteenth and final novel in the Teacher series.
Finally, thanks to everyone who has been in touch to say how much they have appreciated the Teacher series and the amount of enjoyment they have experienced while reading my gentle tales.
With best wishes,